Surat Cinta untuk Sang Mama

Mama yang cantik dan kuat melahirkanku pada hari kamis 21 Desember 1994. Tanggal yang luar biasa menurutku. Tanggal di mana seorang anak yang kuat, pemberani, lucu dan sedikit perfectsionis lahir dalam keadaan yang sehat dan bugar.

Kini ia sudah tumbuh dewasa, ia bukan anak-anak lagi, melainkan ia sudah menjadi seorang pemuda yang tangguh. Ialah aku, Restu Alpiansah. Ucapan terima kasih pertama untukmu, karena kerja keras, usaha, dan doamu aku bisa lahir ke dunia yang begitu indah ini.

Mama, aku mencintamu lebih dari apapun. Tak ada satu pun yang dapat menjadikannku bahagia selain senyumanmu. Meskipun ku tahu di dunia kuliahku mendapatkan nilai A adalah hal yang sangat membahagiakan, namun senyumanmu sangatlah jauh lebih indah dari sekedar nilai itu. Maafkan aku jika selama ini pernah membuat air matamu menetes.

Maafkan aku jika selama ini aku pernah menusuk hatimu dengan pedang tajam berupa kata-kata bantahanku kepadamu. Aku berjanji, akan membahagiakanmu mama. Tuhan mendengarkan janjiku padamu.

Mama, kini aku sudah dewasa. Sudah duduk di bangku kuliah, bangku yang tidak semua orang dapat mendudukinya. Itu semua berkat doa dan kerja kerasmu. Jasa-jasamu tidak akan pernah aku lupakan. Akan senantiasa aku simpan didalam lubuk hatiku yang terdalam. Bahkan meskipun aku sudah tak ada lagi di dunia ini, wajahmu akan senantiasa ku bawa.

Jika tuhan menghendakiku untuk ke surga, maka wajahmulah yang pertama akan aku ingat di dalam surga kelak. Namun jika tuhan menghendakiku untuk masuk nerakanya terlebih dahulu, maka akan ku titipkan bayangan wajahmu kepada sang malaikat surga, agar aku tak membawamu kedalam api yang sangat panas itu. Mama, Aku mencintaimu melebihi apapun.

Mama, banyak orang yang bertanya kepadaku, mengapa hingga saat ini aku belum punya pacar. Aku hanya tersenyum mendengar pertanyaan itu. Tidak salah memang, karena remaja seusiaku kebanyakan memadu kasih dengan lawan jenisnya, katanya untuk menikmati masa muda yang datangnya hanya sekali saja. Mama, bukannya aku tak ingin memiliki kekasih, namun aku tak akan membagi perasaan dan cintaku kepada wanita lain selain dirimu.

Tak akan aku bagi cinta dan hati ini kepada wanita lain sebelum aku mampu membahagiakanmu dengan pejuh dan peluhku sendiri. Sebelum kubagi cinta dan hati ini kepada wanita lain, izinkan aku memacarimu terlebih dahulu, agar jiwa dan perasaannku tetap tertuju kepadamu. Aku takut ma, karena setelah ku bagi perasaan dan cinta ini kepada orang lain, akan menyebabkan aku akan kurang memperhatikanmu.

Aku takut sinetron yang sering kau tonton itu ma. Seorang anak yang rela meninggalkan ibunya demi sang kekasih atapun sang istri. Aku tak mau ma… Jadi tolong biarkan aku mecurahkan seluruh cinta dan jiwaku kepadamu mama. Setidaknya sebelum aku membangun bahtera rumah tangga dengan wanita lain.

Mama, banyak orang yang bertanya kepadaku. Tentang mengapa aku selalu terlihat rajin belajar. Ingin aku bilang kepada mereka, bahwa aku lakukan itu semua demi dirimu mama. Akan ku lakukan apapun di dunia hanya untuk bisa membahagiakanmu mama. Ketika aku sudah merasa lelah dengan tugas kuliahku, foto dirimu yang aku simpan di dalam dompetku selalu aku buka.

Itu adalah jimat ma, agar aku bisa kembali semangat untuk menggapai mimpiku yang tentunya untuk membahagiakanmu mama. Mama, separuh masa depanku akan ku bagi untuk mu. Hanya untukmu seorang yang begitu spesial adalam hidupku.

Mama, jika seandainya tuhan memiliki niat untuk mengambilmu, maka aku akan berdoa kepadanya agar ia tidak memanggilmu. Aku lebih baik memilih diriku sendiri sebagai penggantinya. Jika engkau pergi dahulu, maka aku akan menjadi orang yang paling menyesal di dunia ini karena belum bisa membahagiakanmu dengan keringatku sendiri. Namun jika aku yang pergi dahulu, maka akan masih ada saudara-saudaraku yang lain yang bisa membahagiakanmu.

Nyawa ini adalah harga yang sepadan untukmu mama karena engkau aku berada di sini. Dan jika memang karena engku pula aku harus pergi dari bumi ini, maka aku akan sangat ikhlas sambil tersenyum menerimanya. Segalanya untukmu mama.

Mama, aku tahu bahwa diriku bukanlah lelaki yang berfisik kuat seperti lelaki kebanyakan. Fisikku cenderung lunglai dan kemayu. Bahkan mungkin tak bisa diandalkan untuk beperang atau menjaga diri sendiri dari ancaman orang jahat. Namun jika ada orang yang ingin menyakitimu, aku akan menjadi orang pertama yang berada di depanmu untuk melindungimu. Kan kubiarkan pedang itu menusuk jantungku demi melindungimu mama.

Meskipun aku lelaki yang berfisik lemah, tak akan pernah sudi aku melihatmu tersakiti orang lain. Menyentuh sehelai rambutmu saja aku tak akan biarkan. Kan ku keluarkan seluruh energi dan darahku untuk melindungimu mama. Mama, meskipun aku tak berfisik kuat, namun aku akan selalu siap menjadi prajurit yang senantiasa melindungi sang ratu dari kejahatan. Mama, tak ada orang lain yang boleh mengganggu dan menyakitimu. Siapapun itu….

Mama, terima kasih atas doa yang telah engaku panjatkan kepada yang mahakuasa, sehingga sampai saat ini aku masih sehat dan mampu untuk berprestasi. Tak ada usaha keras apapun yang mampu mengalahkan kedahsyatan doamu mama. Mama aku sangat mencitaimu.

Mama, saat ini aku tak bisa melihat kondisimu seperti apa. Hanya doa yang mampu aku panjatkan kepada yang maha kuasa agar engkau senantaiasa dilindungi olehnya. Mama… tolong jaga kesehatanmu. Bersabarlah mama… sebentar lagi cita-cita yang aku rindukan dan inginkan akan segera tercapai. Aku berjanji mama, engkaulah orang pertama yang harus mengetahui keberhasilanku. Serta engkaulah orang pertama yang harus menikmati hasil kerja kerasku, bahkan bukan aku.

Mama… aku mencitaimu….

Ibu, Sosok Wanita yang Tercipta Begitu Istimewa & Mulia

Hari ini, di berbagai sosial media (dunia maya) hampir semua netter update status dengan mengucapkan terima kasih pada ibu. Di dunia nyata sendiri, ada banyak kegiatan positif yang dilakukan masyarakat untuk memperingati hari ibu. Kalau kamu, sudahkah hari ini mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ibu? Sudahkah kamu mengucapkan jika kamu begitu menyayanginya dan membuatnya bahagia?

Sosok ibu adalah sosok wanita yang tercipta begitu istimewa dan mulia. Saking istimewanya, Tuhan memerintahkan umat manusia untuk sepenuhnya berbakti pada sosok ibu. Lantas, apa yang membuatnya menjadi wanita yang begitu istimewa dan mulia?

Cinta Paling Tulus Adalah Cinta Ibu Pada Anak-Anaknya

Ibu merupakan seseorang yang memiliki cinta paling tulus untuk anak-anaknya. Hakekatnya, wanita terlahir dengan hati lemah lembut dan tulus. Cinta dari seorang ibu juga merupakan cinta yang sejati. Sosok ibu tak pernah mengeluh ketika dirinya harus mengandung selama 9 bulan dan merawat buah hati siang malam. Tanpa diminta, sosoknya akan selalu ada buat anak-anaknya.

    Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah RA, seorang sahabat Rasulullah SAW pernah bertanya, "Kepada siapakah aku harus berbakti pertama kali?" Rasul pun menjawab, "Ibumu!." Sahabat tersebut kembali bertanya, "Lalu kepada siapa lagi?" Rasul kembali menjawab, "Ibumu!." Sabahat kemudian bertanya lagi, "Kemudian kepada siapa lagi?" Rasul menjawab, "Ibumu!." Saat sahabat bertanya pertanyaan sama yang ke empat kalinya, barulah Rasul menjawab, "Ayahmu." (HR. Bukhari & Muslim).

Ibu tak pernah mengeluh ketika anak-anaknya tak memperlakukannya sebaik saat ia memperlakukan anak saat masih bayi. Seberat apapun masalah yang sedang dihadapi, sosoknya akan selalu memperlihatkan sikap tegar, sikap kuat dan sikap baik-baik saja. Ketika anak merasa bahagia, orang pertama yang akan lebih bahagia adalah ibu. Ketika anak merasa sedih, orang pertama yang akan lebih sedih adalah ibu.

Ibu adalah sosok yang sangat istimewa | Photo: Copyright

Restu Semesta Tergantung Pada Restu Ibu

Dalam mencapai cita-cita, selain melakukan usaha sungguh-sungguh, seseorang diwajibkan untuk berdoa dengan sungguh-sungguh pula. Jangan lupa untuk meminta restu orang tua terutama ibu. Bagaimana pun juga, restu semesta akan tergantung pada restu ibu. Sosok ibu yang begitu istimewa dan mulia di mata Tuhan, menjadikannya sebagai sosok yang ditinggikan derajatnya.

Ibu adalah sosok yang begitu istimewa. Bagi semua anak, wanita yang senantiasa kita panggil ibu, mom, mama atau umi ini adalah sosok yang begitu mulia dengan kasih sayang tulus tiada duanya. Senakal dan seburuk apapun perilaku kita, sosoknya akan selalu ada bersama kita. Ia bahkan tak pernah meninggalkan kita sendirian dan membenci kita. Doa-doa ibu adalah doa paling ampuh dan mujarab. Restunya juga restu paling diberkati.

Ibu Adalah Pendengar dan Penasehat Terbaik

Kala kita sedang dilanda sedih dan perasaan hancur, ibu akan siap sedia menjadi pendengar sekaligus penasehat terbaik. Menceritakan segala kebahagiaan dan kesedihan kepada ibu akan membuat kita merasa lebih tenang, nyaman dan terlindungi. Serahasia apapun masalah kita, saat kita bercerita kepada ibu, ia akan senantiasa menyimpan rahasia tersebut dengan baik.

Ibu adalah seorang wanita yang tercipta paling istimewa karena dirinya begitu cantik, masakannya paling sedap, nasehatnya begitu berharga, doanya akan diaminkan semesta, restunya selalu diberkati dan dialah pendengar terbaik dari semua keluh kesah kita. Seseorang yang kita sebut ibu dan telah melahirkan kita, dialah sosok yang begitu sempurna. Selamat hari ibu buat setiap ibu di manapun kalian berada. Terima kasih karena telah memberikan yang terbaik buat anak-anakmu.

Engkau Ibu dan Aku Anakmu

Kalau aku merantau lalu datang musim kemarau
sumur-sumur kering, daunan pun gugur bersama reranting
hanya mataair airmatamu ibu, yang tetap lancar mengalir

bila aku merantau
sedap kopyor susumu dan ronta kenakalanku
di hati ada mayang siwalan memutihkan sari-sari kerinduan
lantaran hutangku padamu tak kuasa kubayar

ibu adalah gua pertapaanku
dan ibulah yang meletakkan aku di sini
saat bunga kembang menyemerbak bau sayang
ibu menunjuk ke langit, kemudian ke bumi
aku mengangguk meskipun kurang mengerti

bila kasihmu ibarat samudra
sempit lautan teduh
tempatku mandi, mencuci lumut pada diri
tempatku berlayar, menebar pukat dan melempar sauh
lokan-lokan, mutiara dan kembang laut semua bagiku
kalau ikut ujian lalu ditanya tentang pahlawan
namamu ibu, yang kan kusebut paling dahulu
lantaran aku tahu
engkau ibu dan aku anakmu
Baca juga
Covid-19 Menuntut Manusia Merenung & Perbaiki Diri Kedudukan Menikahi Gadis atau Janda dalam Islam Antara Doa dan Pemberian Allah

bila aku berlayar lalu datang angin sakal
Tuhan yang ibu tunjukkan telah kukenal

ibulah itu, bidadari yang berselendang bianglala
sesekali datang padaku
menyuruhku menulis langit biru
dengan sajakku

Maafkan Aku Ibu

Disaat engkau jauh aku begitu merindukanmu ibu. Rasanya aku ingin berlari saja dan ingin segera merangkulmu dan mencium pipimu ibu. Aku sempat gelisah dengan keputusanku untuk memilih tinggal disini, walaupun dulu engkau sempat mencegahku dengan alasan aku masih terlalu muda untuk hidup mandiri, namun egoku saat itu membuatku teguh pada pilihanku ini. Namun, kini aku sadar bahwa apa yang kau katakan dulu itu mungkin benar ibu. Harusnya saat itu aku mendengarkanmu.

Pagi itu, kau menghubungiku dan mengatakan kau akan datang mengunjungiku. Betapa senangnya hatiku saat itu. Aku melonjak gembira dan membayangkan pertemuan mani denganmu. Jujur, aku sangat dan sangat merindukanmu. Setahun lebih kita tak bertemu rasanya itu terlalu lama bagiku.

Hari itu, ibu datang ke tempatku dengan membawa setumpuk oleh-oleh daerah kita. Ibu seolah tahu aku sangatt merindukan semua itu, lidahku rasanya kelu dengan makanan disini yang menurutku tidak ada rasa, hambar. Seolah tak merasa lelah, ibu lalu bercerita kalau semua makanan yang ibu bawa itu adalah masakan ibu sendiri. Aku tak kuasa menahan haru saat itu.

Aku perhatikan, ibu kelihatan berbeda dengan yang dulu, ibu semakin kurus dan keriput mulai muncul di wajahmu ibu. Tubuhmu kelihatan semakin renta ibu. Sepertinya setahun ini ada banyak kesulitan yang kau hadapi ibu. Aku coba tanyakan itu, namun ibu selalu berkata semua baik-baik saja. Tapi aku bisa lihat rona sedih itu di mata ibu dan air muka ibu itu tak bisa membohongiku. Aku tahu, ibu tak ingin aku merasakan kesedihan ibu, tapi bagaimanapun aku bisa merasakan itu semua bu.

Setelah beberapa hari ibu disini, ntah megapa aku merasa seperti ada jarak diantara kita ibu. Aku tidak seleluasa dulu saat bercerita dengan ibu dan ibu pun demikian. Aku juga tidak tahu bu, apa itu karna kita sudah lama tak bertemu jadi masih butuh penyesuaian lagi atau karna hal lainnya. Hingga suatu hari aku merasa jenuh dengan semua ini. Aku jenuh saat melihat ibu tegar di depanku sementara dibelakangku ibu menangis. Atau saat ibu seolah mendengarkanku saat aku bercerita padahal sebenarnya tidak, pikiran ibu ada pada sesuatu hal lainnya. Aku juga mulai berontak saat melihat sikap ibu juga berubah dengan yang dulu. Hingga akhirnya aku melontarkan kata-kata kejenuhanku ini di depan ibu dengan nada suara yang kencang, ya aku marah dan seolah menyalahkan ibu. Jujur bu, saat itu aku benar-benar tidak ingin berkata demikian namun ntah kenapa aku lebih mementingkan emosiku saat itu dibanding perasaan ibu.Aku bahkan heran denagn sikapku ini, disaat ibu jauh, aku sangat merindukanmu ibu, namun disaat ibu ada di dekatmu aku malah mengabaikanmu ibu.

Ibu hanya terdiam dan mulai menitikkan air mata, aku terhenyak. Setelah sekian lama, baru kali ini aku melihat ibu menangis dan itu semua karna aku. Ibu terisak dan mulai mengatakan semuanya. Yah, aku dengar semuanya, semua beban ibu selama ini. Semua yang ibu simpan selama ini ibu ungkapkan semuanya dalam tangis ibu itu. Hingga ibu pun berhenti menangis, mungkin ibu sudah cukup lega saat sudah menceritakan semuanya. Namun, ibu lalu keluar dari ruangan itu tanpa berbicara apa-apa denganku. Aku tahu, ibu masih sedih dengan ucapanku. Aku pun sangat sedih ibu sudah berkata demikian. Maafkan aku bu karna mulutku sangat lancang seenaknya menyalahkan ibu dan mengatakan aku ingin memiliki ibu seperti ibunya temanku, padahal itu semua salah. Aku justru menghargai ketulusanmu ibu yang tak ingin menyusahkanku.Aku minta maaf bu, kataku dalam hati.

Aku lalu mengejarmu ibu dan mendapati ibu sedang tertidur di sofa ruang tamu. Kupandangi wajah ibu. Ibu memang semakin menua, dan tampak kurus namun ketulusan dan kecantikan hati ibu masih tetap terpancar. Perlahan air mataku mulai menetes bu, membayangkan semua perjuanganmu untukku. Sejak aku lahir, kecil,remaja,dan hingga sekarang ini bahkan tak terhitung semua kebaikanmu ibu. Aku teringat dengan semua kenangan masa kecil, aku ingat saat ibu membalut luka di tanganku, saat ibu menenangkanku agar tidak takut dengan jarum suntik, saat ibu membuatkanku bekal dan mengantarku ke sekolah, saat ibu membelikan mainan untukku, saat ibu membuatkan masakan kesukaanku, saat ibu mengambil tabungan ibu hanya agar bisa menyekolahkanku di sekolah favorit, saat ibu menemaniku ketika aku terbangun dari mimpiku, saat ibu menyemangatiku ketika aku gagal dalam sebuah kompetisi, dan saat ibu selalu berdoa untukku setiap hari serta dengan banyak kebaikan lainnya bu.

Aku pun tersadar bu, ternyata aku bukanlah apa-apa tanpa ibu.Aku tidak akan bisa berdiri saat ini kalau saja ibu tak disini namun dengan mudahnya aku melupakan semuanya itu hanya karena terpancing emosiku. Ibu memberiku begitu banyak, namun apa yang barusan kuberikan pada ibu, hanyalah luka yang membekas di hati ibu. Aku tertegun dan menyadari semua kebodohanku tadi. Kupandangi wajah itu, aku ingin minta maaf bu. Sekitar sejam lebih aku duduk disamping ibu, mengenang semuanya. Tanpa kusadari ibu sudah bangun dan menggenggam tanganku. "Bu, maafkan aku", kataku dengan suara tangis tertahan. Ibu kemudian tersenyum dan segera bangkit memelukku dengan sangat erat, ibu lalu berkata, "Ibu sudah memaafkanmu dari tadi nak, ibu sudah tahu sifat kamu nak dan ibu tidak akan memasukkan ke hati. Ibu tahu kamu seperti itu karna kamu juga tidak ingin ibu menyimpan beban sendiri kan". Aku tersenyum. Akumerasakan kehangatan yang luar biasa dalam dekapan ibu dan kali ini aku merasa sangat-sangat beruntung memiliki ibu seperti ibuku. Mungkin ibuku tak seperti ibu lainnya yang mengungkapkan rasa sayang mereka secara langsung kepada anaknya baik dengan kata-kata ataupun dengan perbuatan, namun ibuku mengungkapkan rasa sayangnya dengan cara yang berbeda, dengan cara yang lebih keren.

USA Now Has More COVID-19 Cases Than Any Other Country in The World

Confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the US have topped the totals in China and Italy, making the US the centre of the global outbreak.

In the US, confirmed cases hit 82,404 on Thursday evening, surpassing China's 81,782 and Italy's 80,589. The total number of confirmed cases globally is 526,044, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

Since the US reported its first coronavirus case on January 20, more than 1,100 people in the country have died from the disease. The death tolls in Italy and China are higher.

Many of the new cases in the US are in major cities, like New York and New Orleans, where densely packed residents help the virus spread. Mayors and governors have said that patients with the virus could overwhelm hospitals, which would contribute to a rising death count.

To halt the virus' spread, people in many US cities and states are under some form of lockdown order. People are supposed to leave their homes only to go grocery shopping and take care of other essential activities.

According to data from Worldometer, coronavirus cases peaked in China in mid-February. The country combated the virus with strict quarantine measures covering 60 million people in Hubei province, where the outbreak originated.

Life is returning to normal in China, but the US has a long road ahead, and the economic fallout from the widespread shutdowns has affected millions of workers and companies.

US weekly jobless claims for the week ending March 21 totalled 3.28 million, the Labour Department reported Thursday, exceeding the consensus analyst forecast of 1.5 million.

That was up from 281,000 in the previous week, which already marked a two-year high, Business Insider's Carmen Reinicke reported.

There are early signs that the shutdowns are helping.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday that the aggressive social-distancing measures put in place in the state were starting to slow the virus' spread.

New York is the centre of the US outbreak, with nearly half the country's cases.

Perangi Corona! Cina Kirim Tenaga Medis ke Italia

Sementara itu, pemerintah China mengirimkan tenaga medisnya ke Italia untuk membantu mengurangi penyebaran pandemi virus corona. Sembilan orang tenaga medis asal China tiba di ibukota Italia, Roma lengkap dengan peralatan termasuk ventilator dan masker pelindung.

Cegah Penyebaran Corona, MUI Keluarkan Larangan Sholat Jumat di Masjid

Majelis Ulama Indonesia mengeluarkan fatwa yang memperbolehkan umat islam, tidak melaksanakan salat jumat di masjid yang daerahnya ditetapkan sebagai zona bahaya penyebaran corona .

Selain salat jumat , fatwa tersebut juga berlaku untuk salat tarawih .

4 Pasien Positif Corona Meninggal Dunia, 2 di antaranya Masuk RS dengan Alat Bantu Pernapasan

Korban meninggal karena virus Corona bertambah menjadi 4 orang. Dua pasien yang meninggal masuk rumah sakit dengan alat bantu pernapasan atau ventilator. Juru bicara pemerintah untuk penanganan kasus Corona, Achmad Yurianto menyatakan, jumlah ini bertambah setelah dua orang yang meninggal dinyatakan positif virus Corona, yakni pasien WNA di Bali dan pasien di RSUD dr. Moewardi Solo, Jawa Tengah. 

Pasien yang meninggal akibat virus Corona di indonesia berjumlah 4 orang. Yakni pasien nomor 25, warga negara asing yang tengah berada di Bali. Selanjutnya, pasien nomor 35, perempuan berusia 57 tahun, masuk rumah sakit sudah menggunakan ventilator. Kemudian pasien nomor 36, perempuan berusia 37 tahun, masuk ke rumah sakit sudah menggunakan ventilator. Yang keempat pasien nomor 50, laki-laki berusia 59 tahun, yang kesehatannya memburuk, kemudian meninggal dunia.  

Sementara itu, pasien positif korona nomor 01 dan 03 dinyatakan sudah sembuh. Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Kasus Corona, Achmad Yurianto menyatakan, pasien nomor 01 dan 03, sudah dua kali mendapat hasil negatif dari pemeriksaan laboratorium. Selain pasien 01 dan 03, pasien 02 juga berpotensi sembuh dan masih menunggu hasil pemeriksaan kedua. 

China Kirim Tim Kesehatan ke Italia Untuk Bantu Atasi Virus Corona

Pemerintah China mengirimkan tim kesehatan ke Italia untuk membantu negara tersebut dalam penanganan virus corona.

Italia saat ini masih lockdown menyusul masih terus bertambahnya jumlah kasus infeksi virus corona atau covid-19 di negara tersebut. 

Tim kesehatan dari China tiba di Italia pada Kamis, (12/3/2020). Mereka akan membantu pemerintah Italia dengan berbagi pengalaman dalam memerangi wabah virus corona yang pertama kali merebak di Wuhan, China.

Tim kesehatan yang terdiri dari 9 orang ini merupakan spesialis perawatan intensif, spesialis anak, dan suster yang sebelumnya juga bertugas di China. Mereka juga membawa alat bantu kesehatan serta masker. 

Otoritas Italia menyampaikan mereka akan belajar mengenai data klinis dan obat-obatan yang bisa diberikan dari China.

Saat ini sudah ada lebih dari 15.113 orang yang terinfeksi virus corona di Italia. Jumlah kematian hingga Kamis (12/3) adalah 1.016 kasus.

Ibu dan Anak Terjangkit Corona Dirawat di RS Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta Utara

Presiden Jokowi menyatakan dua WNI positif terkena virus corona. Dua WNI ini adalah seorang ibu berusia 61 tahun dan putrinya yang berusia 31 tahun. 

Keduanya terserang corona setelah berinteraksi dengan seorang warga Jepang yang sudah terlebih dulu positif corona. Menkes Terawan Agus Putranto mengatakan ibu dan anak ini terkena virus corona di rumahnya yang berada di Depok.

Keturunan WNI tanpa identitas: 15 tahun terpisah, ibu dan anak bersatu kembali

Iwan adalah keturunan warga negara Indonesia yang tidak memiliki identitas di pedalaman Sabah, Malaysia. Dia mengaku masuk ke Malaysia tanpa dokumen, saat usianya 12 tahun. Namun kekerasan yang kerap didapatkan dari ayahnya, membuat dia melarikan diri dan tak pernah kembali.

Selama 15 tahun terakhir, Iwan tinggal di Malaysia tanpa identitas kewarganegaraan. Dia menikah dengan perempuan Malaysia, namun tak bisa membubuhkan namanya di akta kelahiran putrinya. Meski begitu, Iwan memberi nama putrinya "Hana", seperti nama ibu yang wajahnya samar-samar dia ingat.

Perjuangan Hidup Seorang Ibu

Tidak akan pernah ada jiwa yang terlahir tanpa pengorbanan ibu, tidak akan pernah hadir seorang buah hati yang mungil tanpa perjuangan ibu, dan tidak akan ada generasi penerus bangsa tanpa  nasehat serta bimbingan ibu. Betapa pentingnya kehadiran ibu dalam kehidupan kita, maka dari itu hargailah ibumu selagi dia masih hidup.

Kita pasti tidak dapat melupakan pengorbanan seorang ibu yang ketika itu mengandung kita selama 9 bulan di perutnya. Alangkah berat, susah bergerak, akan tetapi ia akan selalu menjaganya sampai menjelang kelahiranmu. Apakah engkau tega membentak kemauannya, sedangkan ia memberikan segala keinginanmu sebelum kau memintanya.

Ibu laksana cahaya yang berkilau, walaupun tertutup akan adanya kegelapan ia tetap akan memancarkan cahaya sendiri. Ibu pasti selalu memikirkan anaknya di setiap detik dalam langkahnya. Ibu adalah malaikat tanpa sayap yang selalu menjaga serta membimbing kita hingga dewasa tanpa mengeluh. Jangan sampai, ketika sudah dewasa dan berumah tangga, kita melupakannya.

Sebagaimana kisah terdahulu ada seorang  pemuda yang bernama Alqamah. Dia adakah pemuda yang ahli ibadah, rajin shalat, suka berpuasa, sering bersedekah, dan lainnya. Suatu hari ia mengalami sakit keras, maka istrinya mengirim utusan untuk memberitahukan kepada beliau tentang hal ini. Maka Rasulullah mengutus Ammar bin Yasir, dan Bilal bin Rabah untuk melihat kondisi Alqamah. Beliau bersabda, ”Pergilah ke rumah Alqamah dan talqinlah untuk mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat.”

Akhirnya mereka pun pergi menuju rumah Alqamah. Sesampai disana mereka bersegera untuk mentalqinnya, akan tetapi lisan Alqamah tidak bisa mengucapkannya. Lalu sahabat terkejut atas kejadian itu, dikarenakan sahabat hanya mengetahui bahwasanya ia adalah seorang ahli ibadah. Mereka langsung melaporkan kejadian itu kepada Rasulullah. Rasul pun bertanya, ”Apakah dia masih mempunyai orang tua?”

Ada seorang yang menjawab, “Ada wahai Rasulullah, dia mempunyai seorang ibu yang sangat tua”. Maka Rasul pun mengirim utusan untuk menemui ibunya Alqamah, dan sesampai disana mereka pun menemui ibunya dan berkata, “ Jika engkau masih mampu untuk berjalan menemui Rasulullah, maka datanglah.

Namun, jika tidak mampu, maka biarlah Rasulullah datang menemuimu.” Maka, Dia menjawab, “Saya lebih berhak untuk mendatangi Rasulullah.” Sesampai disana menemui Rasulullah, lalu beliau bersabda, “Wahai ibu Alqamah, jawablah pertanyaanku dengan jujur, bagaimana keadaan putramu Alqamah?”

Sang ibu menjawab, “Wahai Rasulullah, dia adalah seorang ahli ibadah, rajin menunaikan shalat, sering berpuasa serta selalu berzakat.

Lalu Rasulullah bertanya lagi, “lalu apa perasaanmu kepadanya?”

Dia menjawab, “Aku sangat marah kepadanya Wahai Rasulullah.”

Rasulullah bertanya lagi, “apa yang menyebabkan anda sangat marah kepadanya?.

Dia menjawab, “Wahai Rasulullah, dia lebih mengutamakan istri dibandingkan aku dan dia durhaka kepadaku.”

Maka Rasulullah bersabda, “Sesungguhnya, kemarahan sang ibu telah menghalangi lisan Alqamah untuk mengucapkan syahadat”.

Lalu Rasulullah bersabda kepada Bilal, “Wahai Bilal, pergilah dan kumpulkan kayu bakar yang banyak.”

Sang Ibu bertanya, “apa yang akan engkau perbuat Wahai Rasulullah?”

Beliau menjawab, “Saya akan membakarnya dihadapan anda.”

Ibu berkata, “Wahai Rasululullah, saya tidak akan tahan jikalau engkau membakar anakku dihadapanku.”
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Maka, ibunya memaafkan semua kesalahan Anaknya, dan Alqamah pun dapat mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat.

Dari kisah diatas dapat kita ambil kesimpulannya, bahwa sebanyak apapun amalan baik kalian tidak akan bermanfaat sedikitpun di saat tergoresnya hati ibu atas perlakuan anda. Seandainya kita tidak memiliki ibu, pasti kita tidak akan pernah melihat dunia ini.

Zaman sekarang sering terjadi durhaka seorang anak kepada orang tuanya. Mereka lebih suka mengikuti segala hawa nafsunya dibanding nasehat orang tuanya. Mereka lebih sering mengikuti nasehat orang yang tidak sedikitpun peduli kepadanya dibanding orang tuanya. Mengapa demikian? Karena mereka lupa siapa yang memberi perhatian serta kasih sayang di waktu kecil, siapa yang menyusuinya di kala haus, siapa yang melindunginya atas semua kejadian di alam ini, pastilah jawabannya adalah orang tua. Apakah orang lain melakukan apa yang dilakukan ibu terhadapmu? Pastilah tidak.

Dan yang terburuk, sebanyak apapun anaknya, pasti ibu mampu mengurusnya semua, akan tetapi  mereka semua tidak mampu mengurus satu ibu. Inilah yang sering terjadi di zaman sekarang. Mereka seakan-akan melupakan jasa ibunya sendiri yang telah membesarkannya hingga ia sukses.

Shutting down! 5 Outbreaks of this Disease Ever Eradicated Humanity

Throughout its history, disease has never been separated from human life. The presence of viruses and bacteria can not be one hundred percent destroyed, but can be controlled.

In the past until now, there have been diseases that have spread widely across the country, killing millions of human beings. Some diseases are even still often heard.

1. Small Pox or Smallpox
Shutting down! 5 Outbreaks of this Disease Ever Eradicated
Smallpox has spread several times in various countries. Caused by the variola virus, this disease is highly transmitted through skin contact and bodily fluids.

In the year 430 BC, this virus had claimed up to about 30 thousand people in the city of Athens. Smallpox had also spread in Massachusetts in 1633. And in 1966 there were recorded 10 to 15 million cases of smallpox in 50 countries.

At that time an estimated 1.5 to 2 million people died from this disease. However, since the discovery of the vaccine, the disease has slowly begun to subside. Even since the success of the vaccine program around the world, WHO stated that smallpox had been successfully destroyed.

2. Spanish flu or H1N1 (1918)
Shutting down! 5 Outbreaks of this Disease Ever Eradicated
The Spanish flu virus was first discovered in one of the American military camps at the end of World War I. Within minutes, more than one hundred cases were discovered and within a month the outbreak had spread across five countries.

This virus causes sufferers to turn blue and have difficulty breathing because their lungs are filled with fluid. At that time there was no medicine that could cure it. The number of victims due to this disease exceeds the victims of the war itself. About 100 million people have died as a result of Spanish flu.

3. Black Death
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Shutting down! 5 Outbreaks of this Disease Ever Eradicated
The term black death is a pes pandemic tragedy that struck Europe, Africa and Asia in 1346-1353. The PES came from China in 1334 and spread along a wide trade route to various countries.

This disease is caused by the bite of the Bubonic plague flea parasite known as mites in mice. The term "Black Death" refers to the symptoms of this disease in the form of cell death that makes the patient's skin turn black.

An estimated 75 to 200 million victims died from this disease. The enormity of this epidemic was then raised in a film in 2010

4. Cholera
Shutting down! 5 Outbreaks of this Disease Ever Eradicated
This disease is caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae which produces toxins and attacks the intestine. Noted there are about seven times the outbreak of cholera in the world. This seventh outbreak occurred in 1961-1975 and sourced from Indonesia to reach Bangladesh.

Then from North Africa also transmitted to Italy. This outbreak is estimated to have caused millions of deaths.

Shutting down! 5 Outbreaks of this Disease Ever Eradicated
From 1981 to 2017, HIV / AIDS has claimed around 39 million people. This disease is caused by a virus and is transmitted through various means such as unprotected sex, sharing needles, from mother to fetus, or through breast milk.

To this day, HIV / AIDS has not been cured yet. Currently available are drugs that can inhibit the development of the virus.

Those were some of the diseases that have eliminated some of the population on this earth. As the growth of medical technology, several diseases have been eradicated and overcome. In order to avoid recurring cases of disease, the main key is self-prevention. And hopefully in the future all the infectious diseases above can be found healing.

Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the World

Many people think that we live in a relatively safe world. And most people also like to pretend that a terrible disease will never befall him, because that terrible disease can only be seen in Hollywood movies.

It is true, terrible diseases such as smallpox and bubonic plague do not haunt us as happened in previous generations. However, viruses or bacteria cannot be known through our binoculars. It hides in people who might look healthy, in invisible microbes that hide in the public swimming pool area, and maybe the food we consume.

So, if you want to make sure that you or your loved ones won't fall victim to one of the deadliest diseases in the world, you should read this information.

1. Russia keeps a smallpox virus sample
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
Smallpox killed 300 million people in the 20th century. Smallpox also killed people in the saddest way that happened at least a few thousand years ago. According to the BBC , the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses V was the first known smallpox victim in history, it was discovered from his mummified pustules.

But now people tend not to worry about smallpox because the vaccine is effective enough to treat it. Smallpox last occurred in 1977, and currently the virus only exists in a few laboratories.

Two laboratories in Atlanta and Koltsovo, Russia, which have been certified by the World Health Organization are still in control of smallpox outbreaks. Both laboratories should destroy their virus stocks, so that the world is free from disease outbreaks. But in 2001, the United States decided it would keep using some viruses just in case. Hmm, just in case of what huh?

Smallpox vaccination is no longer routine, which means humans can get hurt if the virus escapes from the laboratory. In 1992, a Soviet defector informed Western intelligence that the Soviet Union used smallpox to develop biological weapons. There is also a high probability that dissatisfied or unemployed scientists sell part of the smallpox virus to evil countries.

2. Bubonic plague
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
Bubonic plague had occurred in the Middle Ages. This epidemic, also called bubonic, did not disappear during the Middle Ages. It first appeared when rats brought the plague to mainland America on a ship in the early 20th century. From there, it spread throughout the western United States, mostly in the southwest but also spread north to Washington.

According to the National Park Service , fleas that carry bubonic plague can be found in squirrels, wood mice, cats and prairie dogs. There are 1 to 17 cases in the United States each year and fortunately this outbreak can be treated with antibiotics, although the mortality rate is still 11 percent (50 percent for the pneumonic version).

3. Anthrax viruses that can last a very long time
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
Some viruses will last for several days or even weeks, but there are stronger viruses, such as anthrax. Anthrax can kill a person in many ways, such as by attacking the skin, and the chance to kill a person reaches 20 percent, or through digestion, which has a 25 to 75 percent chance of death, or perhaps through inhalation, which has an 80 percent mortality rate.

What makes anthrax frightening is because of its strength. According to the Sentinel Journal , the anthrax virus can survive in the frozen layer for decades and the bad news is that our climate is heating up. Which means, cattle infected with anthrax and buried in the ice sheet can still infect humans and animals up to 105 years later.

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4. The Rabies Virus can incubate for years
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
In 2008, the CDC reported that a case occurred in a 10-year-old girl from Vietnam, she was infected with rabies but did not experience any symptoms for up to six years. Then everything was revealed when he lived in Australia, then died.

Experts can trace the phylogenetic origins of the virus, which identified the specific virus that killed the girl apparently originating from Vietnam. There is also another case, in which a 48-year-old man was diagnosed with rabies 25 years after he was bitten by a dog in Goa, India.

5. Ebola virus transmission
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
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On average, one in two people who suffer from the Ebola virus will survive and live their lives as before. But it was they who turned out to spread the virus. Survivors can go home looking healthy and transmit the virus to their partners only by touching each other.

According to the World Health Organization, Ebola can potentially be transmitted sexually up to 82 days after the onset of symptoms. But WHO advises survivors to avoid unprotected sex for up to one year, unless they are willing to be tested once a month until two consecutive tests are negative.

6. Human brain-eating organisms
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
There are single-celled organisms that hide in lakes of warm water on every continent except Antarctica, they are called Naegleria fowleri. This organism feeds on bacteria in the water and also the human brain, hence the nickname "brain-eating amoeba." N. fowleri feeds on the human brain through water that enters the human nose when swimming.

7. Creutzfeldt-Jakob, a disease transmitted from beef
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
The disease, called Creutzfeldt-Jakob , can attack humans if it eats meat infected with abnormal prions that cause disease in cows. According to ThoughtCo, the temperature needed to deactivate abnormal prions is very high and the food just can't be eaten.

The part of the cow that is at high risk for eating is the brain and spinal cord. But Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease can be transmitted from families suffering from this disease.

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8. Flu that kills millions of people
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
Seasonal influenza is usually harmless, yes. But according to the CDC, annual flu-related deaths in America reach between 12,000 and 56,000 people. But that figure is nothing compared to the 20 million to 40 million people who died from the Spanish flu in 1918.

Spanish flu was once very deadly because people's immunity at that time was still vulnerable to the flu. After comparing the flu strain in 1918 with modern poultry strains, scientists believe that they share a similar mutation that allows it to spread from birds to humans.

From there, the scientists concluded that the 1918 flu was a type of bird that also had a mutation that allowed it to move easily within the human population.

9. Everyone is at risk of developing Alzheimer's
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
Many say that Alzheimer's is a genetic disease. Reporting from Newsweek , anyone who has a brain must be at risk of developing Alzheimer's. The biggest factor is old age.

Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment that can stop its development, and there is also no way to make the sufferer return to normal. By 2050, it is estimated that there will be 16 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer's disease, leading to death.

10. Not all deadly diseases have symptoms
Terrible Facts About 10 Deadly Diseases in the
A more common and equally deadly disease is heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for women in America. In 2013, nearly 300,000 women died of heart disease, of which 25 percent covered all ages. According to the CDC, 64 percent of women who die suddenly due to heart disease have no symptoms before they die.

So what to do? Check blood pressure and monitor it often, and don't smoke. The three biggest risk factors for heart disease are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking.

Some people are very worried about the disease that could one day befall him, that's why many are living a healthy lifestyle and so on. Well, the 10 facts of dangerous diseases above, rightly can make us introspective and always grateful, yes, if still given health.

4 Most Deadly Plague in History, Swallowing Many Victims

In the 21st century now, epidemics or epidemics are not a disease that is often afflicted by many people, because of the sophistication of medical devices and medicines. But in the past, the human population was greatly reduced by a widespread epidemic. Therefore outbreaks can be said to be more deadly than war and famine.

Of the many infectious viruses that we know through lessons and direct experience, there are several deadly outbreaks that managed to kill the sufferer in just a matter of months. Anything?

1. Black Death
4 Most Deadly Plague in History, Swallowing Many
This epidemic has captured many horrors through writing and painting. The Black Death Plague erupted in the decade of 1330, somewhere in east or central Asia, and immediately spread throughout the continent, especially in Europe.

The Black Death Plague was spread due to the bacterium Yersinia Pestis , after riding a fleet of mice and fleas that spread quickly and deadly to the human body.

However, at that time the cause of the epidemic could not be identified, due to inadequate medical equipment and also the public believed myths more That would be the death toll from the Black Death epidemic reaching 75 million-200 million.

2. Smallpox
4 Most Deadly Plague in History, Swallowing Many
Today, smallpox outbreaks can be anticipated by vaccination, but in the 16th century, this one was so deadly and capable of killing millions of people.

The smallpox epidemic was first struck by an African slave sent to Mexico, Francisco de Egula. After landing in Mexico, Francisco's skin was filled with terrible rashes. And immediately infected one city in Mexico, Cempoallan, which immediately became a burial ground. From the refugees who survived, the smallpox virus spread to nearby cities to the whole of Mexico.

With the epidemic spread throughout Mexico, which used to have 22 million inhabitants, only a few months after smallpox spread to 14 million people who are still alive. But smallpox was only the first blow. After the spread of the virus, another new outbreak arose. Namely, flu, lice, and various other infectious diseases.

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After various outbreaks of disease invaded Mexico alternately until in 1580, the population became less than one million.

Also Read: 5 Disease Outbreaks with Extraordinary Event Status in Indonesia

3. Spanish flu
4 Most Deadly Plague in History, Swallowing Many
In 1918, troops in the trenches of northern France began to die in large numbers due to a vicious epidemic dubbed the Spanish Flu. This virus spread throughout the continent, and killed many souls all over the world.

In just a few months, about half a billion people, a third of the global population, collapsed by the virus. In India, the virus kills 5 percent of the population. In Tahiti, 14 percent of the population died. As a result of the Spanish Flu virus, 50 million-100 million die in less than a year.

4 Most Deadly Plague in History, Swallowing Many
This contagious virus until now has become a deadly scourge, because it is so difficult to overcome this virus. Because actually the HIV virus does not directly kill, like other epidemics. However, it damages the immune system, making it susceptible to various other diseases.

The HIV virus results in the person suffering from an immune deficiency which causes AIDS. Since sticking out in the early 1980s, more than 30 million people have died from AIDS, and tens of millions have suffered torturous physical and psychological damage.

That's 4 deadly plagues in history that swallowed many souls. Viruses are a matter that is easily transmitted to anyone. Although the sophistication of medical devices is able to minimize a deadly epidemic transmitted to the entire community, but we still have to be vigilant, because an illness could have alighted in your body.

17 people have died as a result of Corona virus, China closes Wuhan City

China closed Wuhan City, which has been the center of the Corona Virus in recent times. This decision was taken on Thursday (1/23) after the death toll reached 17 people and as many as 600 people were infected.

Reported by Reuters , the local government informed all transportation networks were stopped and flights out of Wuhan were delayed since 10:00 am. The dangerous virus has spread to several countries such as Japan, South Korea, Thailand and the United States.

1. The government asks residents not to leave Wuhan
17 people have died as a result of Corona virus, China closes Wuhan CityTourists wear masks when visiting Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, on January 20, 2020. BETWEEN PHOTOS / REUTERS / Jason Lee
One public transportation facility, the Hankou train station, was reportedly almost empty with a locked fence. Then, to anticipate the spread of the virus, the local government asked residents not to leave Wuhan City unless it was urgent.

Security officers patrol the main streets. A number of videos circulating on social media show long lines at several refueling stations even though the government has not reported any private vehicles belonging to residents who have left the city.

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2. The central government asks that relevant authority be transparent
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17 people have died as a result of Corona virus, China closes Wuhan CityChildren wear masks to prevent transmission of new coronavirus at the Hong Kong West Kowloon Fast Train Station in Hong Kong, China, on January 23, 2020. BETWEEN PHOTOS / REUTERS / Tyrone Siu
When compared with the Heavy Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2002 and 2003 which killed nearly 800 people, the government in Beijing requested that the relevant authorities diligently report developments on this new type of Corona Virus. According to the government, this is to avoid panic ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday this weekend.

As reported by Xinhua , Premier Deputy Sun Chunlan said all the authorities were important to be open about the spread of the virus. If necessary, China brings in global health experts. This is the same as the request of the WHO World Health Organization last week.

According to WHO, this step is very important so that other countries can understand and take preventive action before there are citizens who are infected. The virus was first reported to WHO in China on December 31, 2019.

3. WHO canceled the emergency situation
17 people have died as a result of Corona virus, China closes Wuhan CityParamilitary police wear masks while standing guard at the Shanghai, China train station on January 22, 2020. BETWEEN PHOTOS / REUTERS / Aly Song
Initially, WHO planned to announce a declaration of a global health emergency situation on Wednesday (22/1). Reporting from CNBC , WHO later canceled the decision. Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said experts still need more information.

The meeting is rumored to be continuing in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday (1/23). "Today there was an extraordinary discussion during the committee meeting, but it is also clear that to continue, we need more information," Tedros told media members.

In addition to Corona, These 5 Deadly Viruses That Could Tremble the World

Corona Virus has been shocking the world for some time because of the impact it causes can cause death. In addition, transmission is very vulnerable and fast, ranging from coughing, sneezing, to direct skin contact.

However, besides Corona, there are several other deadly viruses that could shock the world, such as H1N1 which causes Swine Flu, H5N1 which causes Avian Flu, SARS, and Cholera.

These viruses generally have the same symptoms, just have differences to overcome them. The following explanation.

1. Swine Flu caused a stir in the world in 2009 because the epidemic spread so quickly
In addition to Corona, These 5 Deadly Viruses That Could Tremble the WorldIDN Times / Wayan Antara
Named Swine Flu because this virus is influenza that occurs in pigs and has the possibility to spread widely to humans and other animals. This virus could shock the world in 2009 because the epidemic is so quickly spread. Although the distribution has certainly been completed in 2010, it's good to always be vigilant with routine influenza vaccinations every year.

Quoted from various sources, the H1N1 virus has symptoms that commonly occur in other diseases, such as coughing, dizziness, runny nose with shortness of breath, sore throat, body aches and feels very tired, sometimes causing nausea even to diarrhea and sore throat. This virus has an incubation period of 1 to 4 days.

This virus generally attacks children who are under the age of 5 years, and elderly people over 65 years. For sufferers of chronic diseases, such as asthma, heart disease, pneumonia, or diabetes are also easily infected with this virus.

Pregnant women are also advised to maintain health conditions because it has the possibility to contract as well. Especially if someone loses immune power caused by HIV / AIDS. Similarly, for a doctor or medical worker who handles the virus.

How to prevent contracting this virus there are several ways that can be done, such as washing hands with soap, closing your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and as much as possible away from contact with sufferers of the virus.

Also Read: This Mask Is Used to Prevent Corona Virus

2. MERS CoV, still a family with the corona virus, was first discovered in the Middle East in 2012
In addition to Corona, These 5 Deadly Viruses That Could Tremble the WorldIllustration of Corona virus.(IDN Times / Mia Amalia)
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS CoV) is a respiratory disease caused by coronavirus. This disease is transmitted from camels to humans, as well as from humans to humans.

Reporting from the official WHO website, the corona virus is a large family of viruses that cause common cold to more severe illnesses such as MERS and SARS. Globally, new corona viruses appear regularly in various regions, including SARS in 2002 and MERS in 2012.

MERS CoV is thought to originate from camels that live in Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Yemen. Although MERS CoV also occurs in several countries in Europe and America, but sufferers are known to have this disease after traveling to Middle Eastern countries. Therefore, this disease is often referred to as Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome.

Another source said that although MERS CoV is contagious, transmission is not as easy as the common cold. MERS CoV is more susceptible to transmission through direct contact, for example in people who care for MERS sufferers without implementing proper self-protection procedures against viruses.

Symptoms of MERS CoV generally appear 1-2 weeks after the patient is infected with the virus. Some of the symptoms that arise in victims who have contracted MERS CoV include coughing, runny nose, sore throat, chills, fever, shortness of breath to muscle aches. Even in some cases, MERS CoV can also cause symptoms of bloody cough, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

3. Avian Influenza first spread in 1997 in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and even Europe
In addition to Corona, These 5 Deadly Viruses That Could Tremble the WorldIDN Times / Muchammad Haikal
The outbreak that could shock the population in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and even some parts of Europe was caused by a virus originating from birds (poultry), namely H5N1 and also H7N9.

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This virus first spread in 1997, and reappeared with a different virus in 2013, with increasing types of viruses namely H9N2, H7N7, H6N1, H5N6, and H10N8.

This virus originates from sick birds or birds, and can be caused from an environment that has been contaminated by the disease.

Symptoms experienced by someone affected by bird flu are almost the same as the symptoms that occur in swine flu, such as diarrhea, nausea and even vomiting, abdominal pain, bleeding gums, chest pain, and even nosebleeds.

This virus is transmitted from direct contact with poultry or sick birds, direct contact with dust from the droppings of sick poultry or birds, and can also be caused when eating meat from poultry or birds contaminated with the virus due to lack of thoroughness during the cleaning process.

To overcome this, a person suffering must be rushed to the hospital to get proper treatment quickly, because this virus can spread easily, so that patients will be placed in isolation.
Generally people with the virus are encouraged to eat healthy foods and drink lots of fluids.

Also Read: 2019-nCoV, the New Corona Virus of One Family with MERS and SARS

4. Cholera, transmission through food or drinks that are contaminated with bacteria due to a dirty environment
In addition to Corona, These 5 Deadly Viruses That Could Tremble the WorldIllustration of Corona virus (IDN Times / Mia Amalia)
Cholera is an infectious disease that can occur through food or drinks that are contaminated with bacteria due to a dirty environment. This disease is a diarrhea caused by the Vibrio Cholerae virus, which sufferers experience severe diarrhea causing dehydration.

This disease is characterized by a liquid and pale stool. Diarrhea experienced can be mild diarrhea, severe, and even do not feel and show any symptoms. Common symptoms for Cholera sufferers are nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. If this disease occurs in children, it is more dangerous than parents, because the child is susceptible to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.

For children, symptoms include diarrhea that does not heal in more than 24 hours, high fever, black stool, looks limp and sleepy, dry mouth, and sometimes the cheeks, stomach, and eyes appear sunken.

To treat it, patients only need to take antibiotics and zinc supplements.

In order to avoid this disease, it is better not to buy food that has not been guaranteed cleanliness, do not consume raw food, drink water that has been cooked first, and wash fruits and vegetables before consumption.

In addition to Corona, These 5 Deadly Viruses That Could Tremble the World(Repro photo of Jack Ma at the Alibaba Xixi Campus Museum in Hangzhou, China) IDN Times / Dwifantya Aquina
Before the corona virus outbreak, China was first horrendous with the spread of SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome which is a severe acute respiratory syndrome. SARS outbreak occurred in 2002-2003 ago.

Quoted from various sources, the SARS outbreak occurred in 37 countries and infected as many as 8,096 people, claiming 774 lives.

The disease is thought to spread through the air, but researchers have not confirmed this.

Symptoms caused by SARS include malaise (the body feels weak and unwell), myalgia (muscle aches and body aches), fever, and of course cough with difficulty breathing.

Respiratory disorders usually begin to appear within 2–10 days after a person is exposed to the virus. Medical experts will usually take action by quarantining SARS sufferers and family members having a history of previous overseas trips. The quarantine process usually takes 10 days to prevent the virus from spreading to others.

For treatment, patients must take Oseltamivir with a certain dose, plus antibiotic drugs. Because a vaccine is not yet created to ward off the virus, as a form to avoid it, just use a mask when traveling, and avoid visiting countries affected by the virus.

Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!

Eating is the most crucial thing for everyone. In addition to making the body healthier, the mind also becomes smarter. However, it turns out that not all types of food either animals or plants can be eaten you know. You have to be very clever to sort out so the benefits of "eating" can be felt. Well, there are several types of food that are actually dangerous and deadly. The following IDN Times provides a list.

1. Mackerel (Pufferfish)
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
Bloated fish which is able to inflate its body contains tetrodotoxin. This compound turned out to be very deadly. Toxins from these fish work by paralyzing nerves and shortness of breath. Not impossible, the process of death will also be very slow and painful. But thankfully, now in Japan, we can feel the mackerel enjoyment with the help of experienced chefs. That said, they use special tricks so that these compounds are not harmful.

2. African Giant Bullfrog
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
Kenyans usually make this giant sized frog a special dish for several events each year. Frogs that are still young if processed in the wrong way are able to remove toxins that can cause kidney failure. For some reason, even though many victims fell from eating this frog, it is still a favorite dish every year in Africa.

3. Ackee
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
This national fruit from Jamaica is sold in the market with a special warning: if the seeds inside have turned black, it will contain poison. The impact, you can feel nausea, dizziness, even vomiting of people who eat it. Apparently, not always healthy fruits.

4. Sannakji
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
Sannakji is a typical Korean food. This food is in the form of small to medium sized young octopus and then served with sesame and simple spices. Even though it has been cut, the octopus tentacles can still move and actively stretch. Well it turns out, this food is also quite deadly. If the tentacles are still stretched alive if they are not chewed properly, they can suck up your throat and make you choke and cause death.

5. Blood Clams
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
Despite its unique name, these cute shellfish have been banned in China because they contain many bacteria and viruses that cause hepatitis A, typhoid and dysentery.

Also read: Your 10 Favorite Foods Can Turn Out to Be Toxic, you know!

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6. Hakarl
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
Hakarl is food from Greenland sharks that have been fermented under a rock for several weeks and hung for 3 months. Fermentation is done with the aim of reducing the poisons contained in fish that live in cold waters. Hakarl has a distinctive taste and emits a strong ammonia aroma.

7. Casu Marzu
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
This cheese comes from the Sardinia region, Italy. Casu marzu means "rotten cheese" in Sardinian, and is known as maggot cheese. This cheese is made using larvae from cheese flies that lay eggs in them. Casu marzu is dangerous because it can cause stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea and intestinal disease.

8. Echizen Kurage
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
This Japanese jellyfish seems to have become one of the special food favorites in Japan. But it turns out these foods are harmful to health. It seems like the Japanese like to stimulate adrenaline in eating extreme foods.

9. Fesikh
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
This typical Egyptian food must be served at least one year before the fish is safe to eat. Fermentation process with inappropriate salt will make this fish contaminated with bacteria so that it becomes poisonous for consumption.

10. Cassava
Beware, These 10 Most Dangerous Foods in the World!
Is cassava dangerous? Quiet. Cassava is only poisonous if eaten raw or not thoroughly cooked. Because the substances contained in cassava will react with enzymes in the intestine and turn into cyanide poison. So make sure you cook it properly so that it's not dangerous.

Well, you already know? The most dangerous food? From now on we must be smarter in choosing food menus so that the benefits of eating can be felt.

Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!

Lately there has been a scene of a mysterious virus in Wuhan, China. Reportedly this mysterious virus is pneumonia and not SARS ( Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) as people are concerned. However, it is not known exactly what kind of pneumonia has invaded Wuhan.

Reportedly this virus has spread to Singapore. Therefore, several countries are also on guard and anticipate the spread of the virus in various ways. Well, curious how these 6 countries deal with the mysterious virus? Come on, peek!

1. China
Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!
As a country that is the source of the pneumonia virus, the government is still trying to investigate. In addition, 163 people who had made physical contact with victims who had been infected with the pneumonia virus were immediately placed under medical supervision.

So far, it is not yet known whether the transmission of the virus can occur between humans to humans or from animals to humans. Therefore, markets where workers have been infected by the pneumonia virus are immediately shut down and secured by the government to prevent transmission of the virus.

2. South Korea
Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!
In response to news of the pneumonia virus, South Korea seems to focus more on its citizens who want to visit Wuhan. The Korean government has warned its citizens not to visit local markets or touch wild animals or poultry. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in South Korea has also established a quarantine task force to handle the case.

3. Malaysia
Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!
Malaysia has focused on monitoring international entry points, especially those arriving from Wuhan. Health authorities in Malaysia use two stages of examination to handle cases of the pneumonia virus.

The first stage is a temperature check, where the health authorities in Malaysia have facilitated the temperature testing at the airport. If the passenger temperature is detected in relation to the virus, the passenger will be processed at the next stage, namely quarantine. Not only that, those suspected of being infected by pneumonia will also be referred at the nearest hospital.

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4. Singapore
Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!
In Singapore, doctors have been warned to be on the lookout for the pneumonia virus. Therefore, tourists who come from China and Singaporeans who have just returned from Wuhan are required to undergo temperature checks to detect the presence of the virus.

As for a 3-year-old boy who had just returned from Wuhan, was immediately detained and isolated as a form of prevention. Because, the child is suspected to have pneumonia that is the same as in Wuhan.

However, it turns out that is not true. Some sources reveal that the pneumonia has nothing to do with the virus that is in such excitement.

5. Thailand
Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!
Anutin Charnvirakul as minister of public health in Thailand appealed to the public to remain calm and not worry about the pneumonia virus from Wuhan. Therefore, the government is confident it will be able to overcome this based on the experience of health officials in dealing with infectious diseases such as bird flu and SARS before.

As a concrete action in responding to the case, the government has installed a temperature filtering device at the airport that serves daily flights from Wuhan.

6. Vietnam
Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!
Like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, Vietnam responded to the news of the pneumonia virus by conducting temperature checks on passengers arriving from Wuhan. This was done to detect and prevent the spread of this virus in Vietnam.

Well, those are the methods carried out by the five countries. Of the various ways, the method carried out by which country do you think is effective and should be followed by Indonesia?

Because of the Corona Virus, Chinese Tourist Visits to Indonesia Come Affected

The government has banned flights to and from China. The decision was taken to prevent the spread of the dangerous virus into the country.

Limited access to Chinese tourists makes Indonesia's tourism sector affected. Moreover, if the ban from the government lasts a long time.

"If we see that there is a ban from the government to come here. It must have an impact (on the tourism sector)," said Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Suhariyanto at the BPS head office, Jakarta, Monday (3/1).

1. Tourists from China to Indonesia reached 2 million visits
Because of the Corona Virus, Chinese Tourist Visits to Indonesia Come AffectedIDN Times / Ayu Afria
Based on BPS data, the number of foreign tourists visiting from China during January-December 2019 was 2.07 million people. That number is among the top three highest in 2019. In second place are tourists from Singapore with 1.9 million visits.

"While most tourists from Malaysia are 2.98 million people," Suhariyanto said.

According to Suhariyanto, a ban on access by Chinese citizens would clearly have an impact. With a total of 2 million people, the contribution will be felt. "The number of foreign tourists 2 million will definitely have an impact," he said.

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2. Indonesian-Chinese exports and imports are disrupted
Because of the Corona Virus, Chinese Tourist Visits to Indonesia Come AffectedCoconut commodity exporter (IDN Times / Feny Maulia Agustin)
Not only the tourism sector, Indonesia's trade sector will also be affected. Moreover, China is one of Indonesia's trading partners.

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"We know that the main exports and imports to China will be influential. Later we will see," he said.

The export value in December 2019 was recorded at US $ 14.47 billion, an increase of 3.77 percent compared to exports in November 2019. In year on year or compared to December 2018 it also rose 1.28 percent.

The increase in exports was triggered by an increase in non-oil exports from US $ 12.9 billion to US $ 13.3 billion, up 3.10 percent. Meanwhile oil and gas exports also rose from the previous US $ 1.03 billion to US $ 1.16 billion or grew 12.09 percent.

Meanwhile, Indonesia's imports recorded positive results. Although still high, there was a decrease of 5.47 percent. The import value of December 2019 was recorded at US $ 14.50 billion.

December 2019 oil and gas imports were recorded at US $ 2.13 billion, down 0.06 percent compared to the previous month. Meanwhile the value of non-oil imports in December 2019 was recorded at US $ 12.37 billion, down 6.35 percent.

3. Corona virus casualties increased
Because of the Corona Virus, Chinese Tourist Visits to Indonesia Come AffectedThe evacuation team when preparing to welcome 238 Indonesian citizens from China, at Batam Hang Nadim International Airport, Riau Islands, Sunday (2/2).(Twitter / @ infoppkk)
Cases of corona virus outbreaks that hit in a number of countries including China continue to be a worldwide concern. Until Monday (3/2), the number of victims exposed to the corona virus and died reached 361 people.

Based on the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) of John Hopkins University, United States, quoted by IDN Times, positive victims exposed to the corona virus reached 17,335 people.

This death toll increased by 57 people compared to Sunday (2/2) which still recorded 305 people. A total of 361 people who died were Chinese citizens. One other person is Filipino.

5 Types of Viruses That Could Worry the World, You Must Be Wary

The status of viruses as living things is still being debated until now. Even the science journal on the Virology page explains that viruses are not living things. A virus is just a collection of molecules, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.

But viruses cannot do anything, including proliferating if they are not in a healthy, living host. This is why many scientists assume that viruses are not living things.

These are the five types of viruses that have troubled the world, you must know and be vigilant.

1. Corona Virus
5 Types of Viruses That Could Worry the World, You Must Be
Of course you have heard and read a lot about the Corona virus, haven't you? Yes, this virus has recently caught the attention of the world because of its fairly massive spread.

According to Live Science , the Corona virus is a large family of viruses that can cause respiratory diseases in humans. Even in some cases, this virus can cause bronchitis and pneumonia or wet lungs.

This virus is spreading in China and other countries in the world. The number of cases and deaths from this virus continues to increase, and makes many countries wary of the spread of the Corona virus.

2. Monkey Pox
5 Types of Viruses That Could Worry the World, You Must Be
The monkey pox virus or monkeypox had horrendous Singapore and several countries in Southeast Asia in 2019 ago. As written by WHO on its website, this virus is a zoonotic disease that is usually transmitted from animals (mice and primates) to humans.

This virus originated in Africa and spread to other countries. The symptoms experienced are fever, rashes, and swelling of the lymph nodes.

In 2019, Singapore was alert because of African tourists who were infected with the monkey pox virus. The tourists were finally quarantined for 21 days.

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3. Bird Flu
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5 Types of Viruses That Could Worry the World, You Must Be
Of course you are familiar with this one virus. Yup, bird flu is one of the deadly viruses that could make the world panic. Avian flu or avian flu is a family of viruses that are transmitted from birds to other birds, and even to humans.

The virus, also called H5N1, also has a very fast spread rate, which could result in massive death.

The CDC on its website writes that the symptoms of bird flu can sometimes be vague and look like a mild disease. Symptoms in general are fever, cough, muscle aches, and sore throat.

At severe levels, bird flu can result in respiratory failure, seizures, diarrhea, and death. Bird flu is also considered as one of the types of viruses that have the highest mortality rates in the world.

5 Types of Viruses That Could Worry the World, You Must Be
SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is a virus that causes disruption of the human respiratory system. This virus first appeared in China in 2002, as reported by the Mayo Clinic page.

SARS has a very rapid spread, and its effects can be very fatal, which results in death. Fortunately international efforts in preventing this virus can be said to be successful. It has been proven since 2004 that no SARS distribution has been reported anywhere.

5. Ebola
5 Types of Viruses That Could Worry the World, You Must Be
In addition to HIV / AIDS there is one type of virus that is no less deadly, namely Ebola. This virus can be transmitted from animals to humans or humans to humans.

The majority occur in the African continent, this virus has a fatality rate or death reached 90 percent. Some of the symptoms of this virus are fever, rash, and heavy bleeding.

Besides being deadly, it turns out that Ebola's spread rate is also very fast. In some very severe cases, patients often experience bleeding in almost all holes in the body.

That's the five viruses that could make the world panic. Hope you can increase your knowledge, yes!

Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by Robots

The dangerous Corona virus outbreak is now spreading and expanding. In fact, initially this virus was only in China. However, now the Corona virus has begun to spread to other countries, although not yet in large numbers. Practically, the victims of this new virus that continues to grow.

Various methods were carried out by the medical team to cure people who were infected with the Corona virus so that they could recover. In fact, instead of going through a doctor, a patient is treated by a robot. Want to know how it works and why use a robot? Read complete information.

1. Be the first US citizen to be convicted of Corona virus
Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by
Launch CNN , apparently the man who was treated by a robot when diagnosed with the Corona virus is a citizen of the United States. Until now, his identity is still a secret, although it is known that he is a man aged 30 years and over. Even so, he was still treated by doctors, not just robots.

2. Worried about getting Corona virus after going to China
Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by
According to a report from Fox 8 Cleveland , the man had just traveled from Wuhan, China. As we know, the beginning of the Corona virus spread originated from Wuhan. After returning to America, he immediately went to a treatment clinic and worried about getting the Corona virus.

3. Using robots so that doctors do not get infected
Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by
To treat these patients, doctors in America use robots. The reason is, this is done for the safety of doctors and other medical personnel who are likely to be infected with the Corona virus because of treating it. Moreover, the robot is equipped with a camera so that doctors can see it through the screen and talk to him.

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4. 43 other people were affected
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Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by
In order to minimize the possibility of other people in America affected by the Corona virus, health institutions in Washington claimed to have secured 43 other people. Not without reason, apparently 43 people had time to interact with the patient so it was feared to be infected with the same virus. So, every day these people are called to be monitored.

5. Interact at a distance of at least 100 cm
Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by
In addition, the interaction referred to by health institutions is not just chatting, but also in terms of closeness. So from that 43 people were called because they are thought to have interacted with patients within 100-180 cm. Investigate a calibaration, they suspect being close to people affected by the Corona virus alone is able to transmit it.

6. Already caused hundreds of deaths
Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by
Medical personnel must continue to work hard in order to overcome the people affected by this Corona virus. How not, every day the number of victims continues to grow. In fact, the latest report says that if 132 people have died, that is only in China.

7. WHO still insists the Corona virus is not an emergency outbreak
Not Treated by Doctors, Corona Virus Patients in the US Are Treated by
Although casualties continue to fall, but the world health organization World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet declared the Corona virus as an outbreak of a global health emergency. According to them, it is still too early to state that the Corona virus is an emergency outbreak.

Those are some things you need to know about patients treated by robots to reduce the risk of Corona virus infection. A country that has developed is very good, its technology is sophisticated.

China Build Corona Virus Hospital in 10 Days, Here's How!

If you visit Wuhan, China today, you will be presented with an unusual view. Dozens of heavy equipment or excavators were busy digging in more than two hectares of land which would soon become hospitals.

Indeed, with the outbreak of the corona virus in Wuhan, China, the local government is trying to build a hospital as quickly as possible. The project is planned to be completed in just ten days.

How can they do such short development? Check out the following explanation!

1. The hospital was built specifically for corona virus patients
As of today (1/29), 132 people have died because of the epidemic, while the number of cases has reached 5,974 in China alone. Seeing the already dangerous situation, the Chinese government began building hospitals since last Friday (1/24).

The hospital will be devoted to treating corona virus patients. For now, the government is building two hospitals with a capacity of one thousand patients in each building. One is Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital and the second is Leishenshan Hospital.

2. China uses prefabricated construction techniques
China Build Corona Virus Hospital in 10 Days, Here's How!
Then how can the government target a short time to build two hospitals? Reporting from Architectural Digest , China built an emergency hospital with materials called prefabricated materials or prefabricated materials.

This practice begins by assembling all building components in the factory. After that, all assemblies are brought to the construction site. This is different from the conventional method by carrying all the basic materials to the construction site.

This method is known to be able to complete construction projects faster. In addition to cutting time, construction with prefabricated materials is also more cost effective and more environmentally friendly.

3. The hospital also will not look like a hospital in general
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China Build Corona Virus Hospital in 10 Days, Here's How!
Because this construction is an emergency, the hospital that was built will not be as complete as in general. They only build what is needed for corona virus patients.

Quoting Architectural Digest , the building will consist of patient rooms, laboratories, pharmacy rooms, and isolation. Even so, the hospital still follows health standards.

"The hospital is intended to isolate people with the corona virus. Because that is the only goal, the hospital is not like a conventional hospital, " said James Crispino , head of global health and fitness at Gensler's architecture firm.

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4. This is not the first time China has built a hospital in a short time
China Build Corona Virus Hospital in 10 Days, Here's How!
Actually this is not the first time China has faced a similar situation. When SARS broke out in 2003 in Beijing, the government also made a similar hospital project. At that time, they succeeded in building Xiaotangshan Hospital using the same construction technique. In just a week, the hospital was established.

5. Corona virus hospital is targeted for completion in early February
China Build Corona Virus Hospital in 10 Days, Here's How!
Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital will be officially opened on 3 February 2020. According to the People's Daily the hospital will provide 1,000 beds for infected patients.

While the nearby Leishenshan Hospital will open on February 5, 2020 with 1,300 beds. For progress to date, the two hospitals are half done. There is still more or less a week to complete it.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government will still build two more hospitals in the area around Huanggang and Zhenzhou. But they will monitor the growth of the corona virus first. With this effort, I hope the corona virus patients will be handled well, yes!

Investigating Corona Virus, Doctors in China Even Come Infected

 Corona virus is currently troubling the Chinese community. Recently, one of the doctors who investigated the outbreak caused by the virus claimed to be infected with the virus he was investigating.

"I was diagnosed with corona virus, but my condition is fine." said Wang Guangfa, Head of the Department of Lung Medicine at Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, China, as reported by Antara on Wednesday (1/22).

Corona virus is a virus that is very dangerous. This virus is similar to pneumonia. Pneumonia is a condition in which a person is infected in the air sacs in his lungs.

Wang Guangfa himself is known to have just traveled to the place of origin of the emergence of the pneunomia-like virus, in Wuhan, China. Wang Guangfa traveled to Wuhan because he was joined by a team of experts who participated in investigating the corona virus outbreak.

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1. Corona virus has already claimed many victims
Investigating Corona Virus, Doctors in China Even Come
The virus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China is rumored to have taken a number of victims. Local officials confirmed that the corona virus could spread from human to human.

Finally, local officials also say that there have been 6 victims who died until Tuesday (21/1) yesterday. Also reported cases of corona virus has risen to more than 300 cases.

Earlier, on January 10, Wang said that the corona virus outbreak appeared to be under control. In addition, most patients show mild symptoms and some of them have been allowed to go home.

2. Wang Guangfa is still in charge of the medical team
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Investigating Corona Virus, Doctors in China Even Come InfectedIllustration of health care.IDN Times / Arief Rahmat
Previously, in 2003 Wang Guangfa had conducted research related to severe respiratory tract infections (SARS). This time, Wang joined as one of a team of experts in investigating the corona virus outbreak. Unfortunately, bad luck happened to Wang. He instead became infected with a virus that he was investigating.

Wang said that he was currently undergoing medical treatment and would soon be injected. However, Wang did not explain in detail why he could be stricken with the corona virus.

In his illness, it seems that Wang did not want to make people panic and worry about his condition or even panic about contracting the corona virus.

"I don't want everyone to pay too much attention to my condition," Wang told Reuters . After giving the explanation, at this time Wang could not be contacted again.

3. As many as 15 medical workers were infected with the corona virus, residents use masks when leaving the house
Investigating Corona Virus, Doctors in China Even Come InfectedIDN Times / Fitria Madia
Not only the public, the corona virus also began to infect a number of medical officers in China. Local officials said the number of cases of the corona virus has risen to more than 300 and has infected 15 medical staff.

Worried about contracting this virus, on Tuesday, a number of residents who walked to the subway subway station in Beijing City, wearing masks.

Ahead of an emergency meeting held by the Word Health Organization (WHO), Chinese Government scientists said, "a corona virus outbreak such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that spreads in China, and reached three other Asian countries is said to be transmitted from human to human."

Investigating Corona Virus, Doctors in China Even Come Infected

After 3 Years, South Korea Again Against MERS Virus!

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) was first discovered in one of the citizens of Saudi Arabia in 2012. This disease is caused by the MERS-CoV virus that attacks the human respiratory system.

The MERS-CoV virus probably originates from animal sources in the Arabian Peninsula and for those infected have symptoms such as fever, coughing and shortness of breath. Some of the sufferers also reported experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea / vomiting and kidney failure until death.

The MERS-CoV virus is thought to spread through respiratory secretions, such as coughing. 80 percent of those with MERS-CoV virus are from Saudi Arabia. Around 27 countries have been infected by the MERS-CoV virus and 35 percent of people with Mers have died. Then how can it be endemic to various regions in the world? Read the full review here!

1. Microscopic image of the Mers Coronavirus
After 3 Years, South Korea Again Against MERS Virus!
One of the 27 countries is South Korea. In 2015 MERS dropped 38 fatalities and after 3 years free from Mers' disease, it was reported that one of the South Koreans had MERS again. On Saturday (09/08/2018), a 61-year-old man was treated at a hospital in Seoul, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

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The patient reportedly returned to Seoul on Friday (07/09/2018) after making a business trip to Kuwait from August 16 to September 6, according to KCDC.

2. Those who make contact with patients are immediately quarantined
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After 3 Years, South Korea Again Against MERS Virus!
"So far, as many as 20 people including flight attendants and medical staff have been in contact with patients and they are being isolated at home," said Jeong Eun-Kyeong, director of the KCDC.

The KCDC director said all flights from Middle Eastern countries had been quarantined. This was done as a preventive measure, before the outbreak was feared to get worse.

"KCDC and the local government will do their best to prevent the spread of MERS," Jeong said.

3. Since July 2015, South Korea is free from Mers' disease
After 3 Years, South Korea Again Against MERS Virus!
This is the first case reported in South Korea since July 2015, until the first case of the MERS disease, researchers are still further researching the causes and spread of the disease. What is clear, seeing from the government's follow-up to this disease, indicates that this disease is at a serious danger level.

5 Dangerous Diseases That Attack & Weaken the Immune System

The immune system in the human body functions to block and prevent various forms of bacteria and viruses that cause disease. However, when the immune system in the body has weakened this can cause the body to be more susceptible to disease.

There are several dangerous diseases that can attack and weaken the human immune system. Some of these dangerous diseases can be seen directly below.

1. Lupus
5 Dangerous Diseases That Attack & Weaken the Immune DeFeria
Lupus is an inflammatory disease in the body caused by the immune system attacking cells and tissues in the body's organs. Lupus usually attacks the joints.

Under normal circumstances, the human immune system protects the body from all kinds of bacteria and viruses that cause inflammation. However, the condition of lupus actually turns the body's immune system to attack other dangerous tissues and cells.

Symptoms arising from lupus are high fever, weight loss dramatically, fatigue, hair loss and red rashes on the body.

2. Diabetes mellitus type 1
5 Dangerous Diseases That Attack & Weaken the Immune
There are still many people think that diabetes mellitus is only caused by blood sugar which can be treated by reducing sugar and doing a healthy lifestyle.

However, diabetes mellitus is not so, there are conditions where the immune system in the body attacks the cells in the body and then destroyed. Though these body cells produce insulin levels in the body through the pancreas. This insulin level is needed by people with diabetes mellitus.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Hydrotherapy, Can Help Protect the Immune System!

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3. Multiple sclerosis
5 Dangerous Diseases That Attack & Weaken the Immune Michail
The work of the immune system in the body that has been attacked and weakened will endanger the body. Multiple scleriosis is a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the human nerve protective layer which is very important in the body. Damage to the protective nerve lining can cause a condition of decreased brain function in the body so that it will be exposed to a very dangerous disease involving the brain.

4. Guillain barre syndrome
5 Dangerous Diseases That Attack & Weaken the Immune McCutcheon
Guilani barre syndrome is a rare disease condition where the immune system in the human body attacks nerve parts. Symptoms experienced by sufferers of this syndrome are frequent tingling and paralysis in the body and face.

At present the cause of the guilani barre syndrome has not yet been discovered by medical experts and researchers. However, when you feel the symptoms of paralysis, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the first treatment.

5. HIV
5 Dangerous Diseases That Attack & Weaken the Immune Madden
Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immunity and destroys CD4. When CD4 cells are damaged, the body will be more susceptible to diseases ranging from minor illnesses to dangerous diseases that can cause death. There is currently no treatment for HUB, but treatment by doctors is only able to deactivate the virus.

Attacking the body's immune system can be caused by several factors. However, to prevent it can be done by changing the lifestyle to be healthier.