Unique facts of Corona virus that invade Wuhan, cause acute pneumonia?

On January 1, 2020, the Huanan sea market in Wuhan, the capital of Wubei, Central China, was forced to close for cleaning after dozens of people had to be rushed to the hospital because of sudden pneumonia (pneumonia).

Similar cases were later found in Hong Kong and South Korea (South Korea), making the world increasingly wary of this mysterious illness that came before this Chinese New Year. Now, what does the world know about this mysterious pneumonia?

1. Caused by coronavirus
Unique facts of Corona virus that invade Wuhan, cause acute pneumonia?cidrap.umn.edu
Of the dozens of people who were rushed to hospitals in Wuhan, preliminary research shows that the disease is caused by a new type of coronavirus , a virus that hears its name alone has made the world tremble. Why?

Coronavirus is the mastermind behind three well-known respiratory diseases in the past decade: severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), to bird flu. These diseases infect hundreds of thousands and take thousands of lives.

This virus comes from bats, and is famous for migrating from animals to humans. Besides fish, it turns out that the Huanan sea market also sells exotic animals, one of which is a bat.

2. Not transmitted to fellow humans
Unique facts of Corona virus that invade Wuhan, cause acute pneumonia?limnews.com
Although respiratory disease is susceptible to airborne transmission (coughing or seizure) or physical contact, this new coronavirus is not contagious through humans. Wuhan Health Bureau confirmed there was no transmission.

In accordance with the information in the first point, Wuhan health authorities suspect that infectious coronaviruses are transmitted from animals. Through its official website , the World Health Organization (WHO) does not ask China to ban its citizens from traveling or trading.

The UN health agency only recommends that if they begin to experience symptoms of pneumonia after or before traveling from China, seek medical help immediately. WHO promises to continue monitoring this pneumonia.

Also Read: Beware of the Mysterious Virus 'Wuhan', This Method Is Implemented in 6 Countries!

3. Coronavirus outbreaks
Unique facts of Corona virus that invade Wuhan, cause acute pneumonia?malaysia.news.yahoo.com
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At present, there are around 59 people infected by this new type of coronavirus , and seven people are in critical condition. They are traders in the Huanan Sea Market.

In addition to these 59 people, as many as 163 people involved in physical contact with sufferers were also supervised specifically. Symptoms of pneumonia are almost similar to pneumonia in general, namely fever and shortness of breath.

4. Eating one victim
Unique facts of Corona virus that invade Wuhan, cause acute pneumonia?thephuketnews.com
On Thursday (9/1) last week, a 61-year-old man in Wuhan died after contracting this new type of coronavirus . The man who often shopped at the Wuhan Fish Market also turned out to have stomach tumors and chronic liver disease besides this mysterious pneumonia.

When showing symptoms of chronic pneumonia, he was immediately rushed to a local hospital. Unfortunately, the treatment did not succeed in recovering it.

5. Reaction of neighboring countries
Unique facts of Corona virus that invade Wuhan, cause acute pneumonia?nbcnews.com
The closest neighboring country to Indonesia, Singapore, is worried about this mysterious pneumonia outbreak. Although it will not be transmitted to fellow humans, the Singapore government will immediately install a body temperature detector at Changi Airport to monitor tourists or citizens.

Evidently, after the outbreak broke out, a 26-year-old man who had traveled to Wuhan was also treated for pneumonia. The man was quarantined and overseen by the Singapore Ministry of Health.

While the closest country to China, Hong Kong, became alarmed. Since the mysterious outbreak, 53 new cases have emerged with similar symptoms of pneumonia, namely fever and shortness of breath. Fortunately, half of that number has recovered and been repatriated.

Following Hong Kong's steps, the Hong Kong government has also installed a body temperature detector at the airport and its train station. In addition, hospital visiting hours are also shortened to minimize casualties.

So far, that's the information the world knows about this mysterious pneumonia . Having penetrated Singapore, is it time for the Indonesian government to be on standby?

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